The Antique Studebaker Club

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So. Cal. Chapter's

First Meeting &

So. Cal.
Chapter Bylaws





The Southern California Chapter


    Article 1: - Name and Purpose:
       1. The name of the organization shall be The Southern California Chapter of the Antique Studebaker Club, The   
             The purpose of the Chapter shall be:
             (1)   principally for tours, meets, gabfests, and other get together for persons with a common interests, viz., Antique     
                   Studebaker motorcars, who primarily reside in the Pacific Southwest area. And to also recruit non-member, 
                   Studebaker owners and/or enthusiasts, into the National Club and the local Chapter.

             (2)   to encourage and promote the acquisition, restoration and maintenance Studebaker-built vehicles designed,
                   engineered, and/or up to the 1942 model year. Because the "M" Series trucks and the 1946 Champion were 
                   designed and engineered prior to 1942, these vehicles shall be included in the definition given above;
             (3)   to promote the study of the historical aspects of the Studebaker Corporation of America, its subsidiaries and
                   predecessor corporations. This will include EMF's, Flanders, electrics, wagons and literature.
             (4)   Activities may include the publication of a newsletter for the distribution to all Chapter members.

     Article 2: – Officers
       1.              The Executive Board shall be made up of the Dictator, Commander/ Editor, Secretary/Treasurer, three area   
                 Champions and the past Dictator, with the following limitations: The past Dictator shall serve on the Executive 
                 Board  as a voting advisor for one year.
       2.              Chapter officers will be nominated for office by the membership in May, and elections will be held during the July   
meeting. Those members nominated for new Officers shall be given to the Editor for publication in the Chapter  
       3.              Absentee ballots shall be returned by mail, prior to the July meeting, to the Secretary / Treasurer. Chapter members 
                 who will
NOT be in attendance at the July meeting, will be responsible for obtaining a ballot and returning it prior to
                 this meeting.
       4.             The Dictator shall preside at all meetings and will also be empowered to call special meetings of the Chapter and
                 Executive Board, appoint committees and their chairmen, and delegate such authority as deemed necessary.
       5.              The Commander / Editor shall perform the duties of the Dictator when the latter is absent or incapacitated. In the
                 event of the absence of both the Dictator and the Commander, the Executive Board may appoint a temporary
 chairman to preside at meetings.
       6.              The Secretary / Treasurer shall keep and publish minutes of all meetings of the Chapter and Executive Board, shall 
                 be the custodian of all Chapter records, and shall conduct all routine correspondence of the Chapters directed by the
                 Executive Board. He/She shall also collect, hold, disburse and make a periodic accounting of all funds directed by
                 the Executive Board. He/She shall keep an up-to-date record of the Chapter membership.
       7.      All elected officers shall hold office for one (I) year, unless re-elected. The terms of all offices shall be from. July 1 to 
                June 30.
       8.      The Executive Board is empowered to conduct all ordinary business of the Chapter. At the annual meeting of
                members, the membership, by two/thirds vote may amend or nullify actions of the Executive Board.

        Article 3: - Members
       1.            Any person, of good character, who is a member in good standings with the A.S.C., and whose application has
                submitted a properly executed application, and whose application has been approved by the Chapters Executive
                Board, will be granted membership upon the receipt of payment of the designated chapter fees.
       2.           Chapter membership fees will be fixed by the Chapters Executive Board and will be paid on a yearly basis.
       3.           Chapter membership of any person maybe terminated by the unanimous vote of the Chapters Executive Board, for
                any good cause, after giving the member in question a hearing before the Board concerning the charges and/or reason
                for such action. Any member whose dues are in arrears for 90 days shall be automatically dropped from membership
       4.            Upon termination of membership for any reason or cause whatsoever, such member shall have no rights to any assets
                or property of the Chapter.

       Article 4 — Meetings of Members
1.        Meeting of the Executive Board may be held at any time as requested by the Dictator. Two weeks written
              notice must be given to each Board Member of the scheduled time and place of the meeting.
       2.        At least one (1) annual meeting of the general membership shall be held for the purpose of conducting such club
business as may be required.

Article 5 - General
1.   Each member, shall have one vote. A simple majority of members in attendance shall carry, except when voting on
             amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws, in which case a two/thirds majority is required. When voting is conducted
             by mail, the above provisions apply to the actual votes received by the Secretary by the prescribed time.
        2.    All members must be notified of proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws at least 60 days prior to the
             voting date.
        3.      No bylaws conflicting with a State or federal law shall be adopted, nor any that conflict with the constitution and
              bylaws of the Antique Studebaker Club Inc.
        4.      The Chapter shall incur no expenses that cannot be met by available funds.
        5.      The Chapter shall not be merged with, nor become a subsidiary or of any other club or organization.
        6.   The Chapter name, emblem or roster shall not be used for any commercial or charitable purpose whatsoever without
              specific written consent of the Executive Board. A club member, as an individual, is free to participate in any activities
              of his choice, however, the Chapter name or emblem shall not be used in any non-sanctioned activity.
        7.      Any member of the club in good standing at the time of the first annual Chapter meeting held in 2002 shall recognized
              as a founding member.
        8.     A chapter is empowered to adopt bylaws, elect officers and collect dues; however, it may not engage in any activity in
              violation of the club Constitution and bylaws. Chapter members must be members of the Antique Studebaker Club.
        9. The Southern California Chapter of the Antique Studebaker Club, inc. assumes no liability whatsoever for personal
            injury or property damage caused by any member or guest at any function sponsored by the Chapter. Each member
            is expected to carry adequate personal and property damage liability insurance and carry proof of coverage on all
            activities. Each dues-paying member shall automatically release the Chapter from any such liability when this member
            applies for membership and pays dues.
        10.  No part of the Chapters income or assets ever inure to the benefit of any officer or member, or to the benefit of any
               private individual.

       Article 6 Dissolution of Chapter.
 Dissolution of the Chapter will be by a 2/3 vote-either in person or by proxy – of the membership at a meeting called
              especially to discuss this topic. At least three (3) weeks prior notice will be given for the dissolution meeting. Any
              remaining assets will be distributed as follows:

            1.           Payment of any debts incurred by the Chapter, or anticipated to be incurred by the Chapter in the process of
            2.           Upon dissolution of the Chapter, all assets remaining after payment of all debts and liabilities of the Chapter, shall
                     be transferred to the general membership fund of the Antique Studebaker Club, Inc.

 If you have any questions, comments or would just like to see
your car(s) picture on these pages just click
and contact the A.S.C Webmaster below.


       To Contact The Antique Studebaker Review Editor and the ASC Webmaster
Click on above image     

  This site owned by the A.S.C Webmaster
             and with the help from The Southern California Chapter.