The Antique Studebaker Club

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November 13,2005
Chapter Minutes

So. Cal.
Chapter Bylaws

The Southern California Chapter Minutes

Minutes of
The Southern California Chapter / Board Meeting

Nov.  13, 2005
 Bill Cooley, Lloyd Prather, Carl Thomason, Bob Peterson, Milton Wright, Rick Peterson, Sam Bailey, Rhonda  Bailey,  Bud Gruver, Ruben Polanco,  Norm Adams.

Discussion subjects

Non Profit Status
Reviewed emails from Larry Tholen, National A.S.C. Treasurer concerning 501..C3. Larry couldn't offer any need for So Cal Chapter to become non-profit. He also couldn't provide any suggestions on how to obtain 501 statuses.
Lloyd suggested contacting Brian Millett at S.D.C.. Evidently S.D.C is working on procedures for individual chapters.
Bud stated he knew of an attorney who might be able to assist, He will contact and report back.
Master Calendar
Norm suggested creating a master calendar to plan ahead for an entire year. Our club seems to enjoy participating in ride and driving tours. President Sam Bailey will select a small committee to search for suitable destinations.
Club Address
A motion was made and unanimously passed to have membership secretary's address on club applications.  This
will expedite being included on the club roster and bank deposits.
News Letter (The Atalanta)
Members would like to see the quality of the Atalanta improve with color and possibly more photos of members cars. Rick Peterson is ready to produce a format with more photos and Norm Adams has access to laser color printing. Neil reported only 2 members expressed interest in receiving Atalanta as an email. It was suggested that president should be able to appoint a member as photo editor.
Neil stated he needs more story input from club members.
Officers and Appointees
Now that our club has become larger it was suggested that our President should be able to appoint to do task like recording secretary, photo editor, editor, etc. This will eliminate some members having dual functions and get more members involved  in the
operation of our  club.

Please follow up on your commitments.

Thanks, Norm.

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